Friday, January 18, 2013

Have a Plan

Sorry for the long delay in blog posts.  I've started this marvelous new job and it is taking away all of my attention from you lovely people!  Saving money to move!

Today we're talking about having direction, a plan, seeming capable at living your life.  Some ladies (girls, women, whateves), think, for some strange reason, that they should seem helpless and dependent in order to gain the attention of men.  Ok, I know why, it isn't really all that strange of a reason actually.  Women are trained from the ripe age of birth to be a tad dependent.  And have you seen any movies recently?  Any love stories?  So what's going on?  The woman realizes that she NEEDS the man and that's that.  Often she can't even have a full life until she has that guy.  So, the funny thing here, on How to Hook a Guy, is that you should at least seem like you have a plan for yourself.  I highly recommend actually having one though.  The fastest way to lose a guy is to be dishonest.

So what's your plan for yourself?  Your dreams, aspirations, and how are you going to achieve them?  Having a dream or hope for your future is just as attractive to a guy as it is to an interviewer at a new job.  No, this isn't a career blog or an inspirational self-help sorta deal.  Kinda deep, kinda not.  In the end, underneath all the crap, we know what makes us happy and what we really want to do.  It can be as simple as "have kids" or "open your own hotel" or even "live in a warm green place and learn 5 languages."  Doesn't matter.  Want to be a painter.  Have that, show that, and be proud. That's so attractive to a guy.

If he knows you have your own life and he isn't going to be the beginning and end to your identity then he'll be very interested in eyeing you as more than just a potential plaything.  There's nothing wrong with a little playing, of course, but this is about HOOKING the guy.  Keeping him around of his own accord.  Being more in love with you.  That sort of thing.

Make plans for yourself.  Don't always change them in order to see him or spend time with him.  If he knows you have your own stuff going on then he'll be more intrigued at this independent creature.  Now he has to fight for your time.  Nothing is more enticing than that which is hard to attain.  I'm NOT a believer in playing hard to get to the point of ignoring the guy.  But don't compromise your life and you "stuff."  You have a life, so live it.  He'll want to be involved in it too when he knows your time is valuable to you for your dreams and your plans for yourself.

You're awesome.  You do things you love.  You can do him too, along with the other stuff you love to do!

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